A mere decade ago, the island of Bonaire was mentioned only by scuba diving enthusiasts in hushed tones. Now that the secret is out, travelers are learning that Bonaire is magical both above and below the water. The reef’s proximity to shore is ideal for divers and snorkelers who want to swim with blue and yellow queen angelfish and orange trumpetfish in waters with visibility of 100 feet or more. On terra firma, the island’s semi-arid landscape is home to some 200 types of birds, including one of the world’s largest colonies of pink flamingoes. Stroll along the southern tip of Bonaire at sunset, near the Willemstoren Lighthouse, and you’ll no doubt see a small flock. Stay at the stylish Harbour Village Beach Club and you’ll have a spacious villa with balcony that overlooks the white sand beach. Heinekens and gouda are the sustenance of choice on this Dutch colony, but if you go upscale, grab the candlelight dinner on the beach at La Balandra Bar and Grill and order the freshly caught tuna or shrimp with roasted tomatoes.